Client: Where There Be Dragons
➜ Project: Front end responsive website design for main brand and four sub-brands.
➜ Project: Front end responsive website design for main brand and four sub-brands.
Client: Where There Be Dragons
➜ Project: Promotional video editing and incorporation of motion graphics using new branding assets.
➜ Project: Promotional video editing and incorporation of motion graphics using new branding assets.

Client: Where There Be Dragons
➜ Project: Email newsletter graphics, layout, and gif animation.
➜ Project: Email newsletter graphics, layout, and gif animation.

Client: Where There Be Dragons
➜ Project: Chinese New Year poster artwork using PS, AI, and ID.
➜ Project: Chinese New Year poster artwork using PS, AI, and ID.

Client: Where There Be Dragons
➜ Project: Catalog cover artwork, map illustration, image editing, and layout design using Adobe PS, IL, and ID.
➜ Project: Catalog cover artwork, map illustration, image editing, and layout design using Adobe PS, IL, and ID.